
Investment fraud victims lost $576,000

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Volunteering for and donating to charities is an excellent way for people in New York to give back and help others. When a situation arises in which it is possible to help a charity while also receiving a return on investment, it might feel like the perfect opportunity. Unfortunately, at least two people who thought […]

Protecting older adults from sweetheart scammers

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Adults can become more vulnerable as they age, especially as their loved ones and close friends begin to pass away. These circumstances can often make them feel lonely, defenseless and sad during this tough transition. Unfortunately, this could subject them to what some call the “sweetheart scam,” where older adults can be tricked out of […]

Rochester based investment manager scams hundreds in Ponzi scheme

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Perry Santillo, a Rochester-based investment banker, admitted to scamming hundreds of investors in a national Ponzi scheme. According to court papers, Santillo and his business partner gained close to $115.5 million from close to 1000 investors from 2012-2018. He reportedly still owes them $71 million in principal. Both continued lying to investors News reports say […]

Securities fraud and abuses still a problem for investors

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The security industry involves a number of different forms of investments, such as mutual funds, bonds, stocks and much more. While these types of investments can be quite different, as securities they all involve investments made by entities and individuals with an expectation of yielding profits. Federal laws are in place to protect people and […]

Can you identify unsuitable investments?

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An unexpected investment loss can be upsetting, and your initial reaction may be to place the blame entirely on yourself. However, you may want to consider that decisions made by an adviser or broker could be responsible for the loss. Even if you had what you believed to be a strong and trusted relationship, it […]

Affinity fraud: Insidious, damaging and not uncommon

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It’s natural to want to trust someone you share a community with. Maybe it’s another member of a tight-knit professional organization, or someone who goes to the same place of worship that you frequent. You can identify with them – so they can’t be a bad person, right? Unfortunately some people take advantage of this […]

How could a broker misrepresent an investment?

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Many people agree that investing involves risk. The extent of your vulnerability can vary depending on the situation. But can you always trust your broker to guide you toward a good option? Brokers are trained and licensed to guide you in making wise investment decisions according to your goals. Unfortunately, misrepresentation of an investment opportunity […]

Woman arrested for securities fraud scheme

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Authorities claim that a woman purposely lied to investors about the purposes of her investment fund as well as its performance. Accused of committing securities fraud, she allegedly ran a $100 million scheme that affected many different investors. It can be extremely distressing when a New York investor learns that his or her funds have […]

How to identify and prove securities fraud

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Most experienced investors understand that there is no such thing as a no-risk investment. Regardless of how secure an opportunity may seem, no investment has an absoblute guarantee against loss. So how can one prove that a loss was the result of securities fraud rather than a natural outcome of investing? Understanding the initial signs […]

Four common investment scams

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Getting swindled can be an adverse situation to overcome. You thought you were making a wise choice that could positively affect your financial future, instead a wise-talking investment scam artist manipulated you. Now, you’ve put up money for a debatable investment – or no investment at all, and in most cases, that money is gone […]